Jack in the Box shares facts about its famous leader. Jack is the founder and ad spokesman of Jack in the Box. Prior to that, Jack took customer orders from atop the company’s drive-thru speaker box, until he was literally blown up in a 1980 television commercial that marked the company’s strategy to cater to adult tastes. Fifteen years later, in 1995, Jack came back, not as the speaker box guardian, but to reclaim his rightful role at the helm of Jack in the Box.

Things to know about Jack: 

  • Jack’s last name is… Box.
  • According to Jack’s California driver’s license, he’s 6’8″ (without the hat) and weighs 195 lbs. And his birthday is May 16.
  • Only the males in Jack’s family tree possess the gene that results in oversized heads.
  • The “Jack’s Back campaign is the longest, ongoing advertising campaign in the fast-food industry. The campaign has received numerous awards including Clios, Beldings, EFFIEs, and even Lions from the Cannes International Advertising Festival for the best advertising in the world.
  • Jack is fluent in English and Spanish and has starred in more than 2,200 English and Spanish language TV and radio ads since 1995. Jack’s linguistic talents also include Mandarin, which he spoke in the 1999 television ad “Titans.”
  • Since this ad campaign launched, Jack in the Box has sold more than 28 million antenna balls and more than 5 million other premiums bearing Jack’s likeness.
  • Jack often shares glimpses into his personal life through the chain’s television commercials. Over the past 13 years, viewers have met Jack’s wife, Cricket, his son Jack Jr., and his parents. We have also travelled back in time to see Jack as a brace-faced high schooler and a 70s hipster.
  • A true man of the people, Jack ran for president in 1996 and beat out Bill Clinton, Bob Dole and Dogbert (a popular cartoon character) in a national independent Virtual poll. In 2008, Jack’s fans waged an online campaign in support of another run for the White House.
  • In March 1999, Jack joined Fred Flintstone, Santa Claus, Batman and other fictional legends when a likeness of his noggin was placed on top of a Pez dispenser.
  • Though often on the road, Jack has a reserved parking space in front of company’s headquarters in San Diego.
  • Fans can rub virtual shoulders with Jack by signing up as a friend on his Facebook page or keep tabs on him through his Twitter account – www.twitter.com/jackbox.
  • In 2009, Jack appeared in the annual Tournament of Roses(r) parade in Pasadena, Calif. On Jan. 13, 2009, Jack presided over the opening bell at the Nasdaq Global Select Market (NASDAQ) commemorating Jack in the Box Inc. transferring its listing from The New York Stock Exchange to NASDAQ and changing its ticker symbol from “JBX” to “JACK.”
  • Jack was hit by a bus in February of 2009 and was overwhelmed with thousands and thousands of get well wishes from his many fans.