Joss Whedon to direct ‘Batgirl’

Last Updated: May 28, 2020By Tags: , , , ,
DC Comics’ Batgirl

After directing two successful movies for Marvel, “The Avengers” and “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” mega director Joss Whedon is set to tackle DC Extended Universe’s upcoming “Batgirl” movie

The movie will reportedly be based on the original 1967 DC Comics version of the popular female superhero. Batgirl’s alter ego, Barbara Gordon is the daughter of Commissioner James Gordon, Gotham City’s top cop. The first mention of the character of Batgirl came in 1961 as the character Betty Kane, niece of Kathy “Batwoman” Kane, in Batman #139. 

The character of Batgirl is probably most known to pop culture from her appearances on the 1960s television series “Batman” and was portrayed by Yvonne Craig.