Innovative game show, “Cash Cab” with host Ben Bailey returns to Discovery later this year. Bailey hosted over 200 episodes of “Cash Cab” and won four Daytime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Game Show Host for the series and will also serve as Executive Producer.
The revamped show returns to New York with a new twist where viewers will see their favorite celebrities going on the ride.
“Holy #%$&!! Cash Cab is back!!! HUGE thanks to all the fans who pushed for the show (and for me) to come back,” Bailey said in a statement. “Never before has a comedian been so happy to go back to driving a cab. OMG I think I left the meter running!”
Bailey’s cab will take unwitting passengers who enter the Cash Cab on the ride of their life. Dodging New York City traffic, these lucky passengers and possibly joined by a guest celebrity, will take on classic CASH CAB trivia en route to their destination. If they get stumped, pedestrians and friends can help them out via phone, text or social media shout outs. If these riders get three questions wrong, though, they’re out on the street.