Check out what’s ahead this week on “Days of our Lives,” airing weekdays on NBC. 

Monday, February 11

Jordan urges Ben to check himself back into Bayview

Kate has a surprising run-in with Jordan

Chad and Abigail make an emotional plea for Charlotte’s safe return

Eve pressures Jack to use Haley’s secret to his advantage

Tuesday, February 12

Jordan silences Kate when she gets too close to the truth

Ben hides incriminating evidence from Hope and Eli

Gabi and Stefan clash over business

Brady is upset to find out Chloe and the kids are moving in with Stefan

Wednesday, February 13

John confronts Diana his suspicions about Leo’s paternity

Leo presses Sonny to sleep with him

Rafe discovers Kate in a precarious state

Ben realizes he’s being set up and takes drastic action

Thursday, February 14

Ciara is left to die at the cabin

Ben tries to convince Chad he’s innocent

Ben asks for Chad’s help to rescue Ciara and Charlotte

Rafe holds vigil at Kate’s bedside

Gabi thwarts Leo so that Will and Sonny can spend Valentine’s Day together

Friday, February 15

Abigail finally forgives Chad

Ciara and Ben are reunited

Ted kisses Hope

Rex encounters a distraught Jordan