Check out a sneak peek of what’s ahead this week on “Days of our Lives,” airing weekdays on NBC.

Monday, October 5
Vincent reveals Ciara’s fate to Ben and Hope
Allie tells Lani what happened in London
Tripp recounts his side of the story to Steve
Melinda pressures Eli to help her nail Kristen

Tuesday, October 6
Bonnie attempts to gain Justin’s forgiveness
Allie gives Claire shocking news about Tripp
Philip realizes Xander has been plotting against him
Eli pleads with Kristen to help keep Lani out of trouble

Wednesday, October 7
Steve and Kayla are shocked when they learn what Allie said about Tripp
Claire gets to know the new Titan intern, Charlie
Victor fires Xander
Philip makes a mysterious call

Days of our Lives will be preempted on Thursday, October 8, 2020

Days of our Lives will be preempted on Friday, October 9, 2020