“WindUp” is an 9 minute animated short written and directed by emerging female Chinese filmmakerYibing Jiang (based on her own childhood experience in Wuhan China). Jason Keane, animation director for “WindUp,” has a long family legacy in animation (“Family Circus” comics originated by his grandfather Bill Keane & now by his uncle Jeff Keane; and his uncle Glenn Keane is best known for his animation character work for the Disney classics “The Little Mermaid,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Aladdin,” “Pocahontas,” “Tarzan,” and “Tangled.”Glenn also created the Oscar winning short “Dear Basketball” at Google with Kobe Bryant and has just directed his first animated feature “Over the Moon” this year for Netflix).
The film was a collaboration with artists working remotely from around the world, created in real-time with Unity. At a time when we are feeling isolated, craving connection and preoccupied with the health and well-being of loved ones, the theme of the film is a an uplifting universal one that highlights the fragile nature of life, love, resiliency and the healing power of music, told through the eyes of a father and the special bond he shares with his ailing young daughter.
Check out the video below: