“The Young and the Restless” actress Sasha Calle has been cast as Supergirl in the upcoming “The Flash” movie set to debut in 2022. Calle was chosen by the film’s director Andy Muschietti and DC Films. Calle will be the first-ever Latina Supergirl.
Muschietti shared on his Instagram page him revealing the news to Calle that she got the role. Watch the video below.
Phyllis Thomas – Owner/Managing Editor
Phyllis Thomas is the owner/managing editor of TVMusic Network. She writes all things TV, Music and Movies for TVMusic Network. She also serves as co-host of the TVMusic Network Podcast with Phyllis and Belinda which is available wherever you get your podcasts.
Favorite TV Shows: Abbott Elementary, The Bear, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The West Wing, and so many more.
Follow Phyllis @Phyllis_Thomas on Twitter and by email at phyllis@tvandmusicnetwork.com
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