FOX has renewed its popular animated hit comedy “Housebroken” for a second season. The series features the voices of Lisa Kudrow, Clea DuVall, Nat Faxon, Will Forte, Tony Hale, Sharon Horgan, Jason Mantzoukas and Sam Richardson, “Housebroken” follows a group of neighborhood pets and stray animals as they work through their issues inside and outside their therapy group.
Phyllis Thomas – Owner/Managing Editor
Phyllis Thomas is the owner/managing editor of TVMusic Network. She writes all things TV, Music and Movies for TVMusic Network. She also serves as co-host of the TVMusic Network Podcast with Phyllis and Belinda which is available wherever you get your podcasts.
Favorite TV Shows: Abbott Elementary, The Bear, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The West Wing, and so many more.
Follow Phyllis @Phyllis_Thomas on Twitter and by email at
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