Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up for the week of June 12 on “The Bold and the Beautiful.” The Emmy-winning soap opera, which recently shot episodes in Italy, airs weekdays on CBS.

Monday, June 12
Brooke decides to join the team in Rome
Hope continues to wrestle with fantasy versus reality

Tuesday, June 13
Steffy makes a promise
Taylor must deal with the consequences of her scheme to eliminate Brooke as an obstacle for Ridge’s heart
Eric predicts that Rome will be a successful trip for more than one reason

Wednesday, June 14
Taylor is once again left disappointed
Hope and Liam share a deeply emotional goodbye

Thursday, June 15
Liam turns to someone surprising for guidance
Hope is unaware that she is being watched by more than one person

Friday, June 16
R.J. gets some attention
Liam decides to take matters into his own hands