“Royal Rules of Ohio” is a documentary series coming to Freeform. The series follows three Ghanaian sisters as they navigate their 20s in Columbus, Ohio. The Agyekum sisters live a lavish life as the daughters of royal descendants of two of the most wealthy and powerful Ghanaian kingdoms. However, with that privilege comes great responsibility. Behind closed doors, viewers are given a glimpse into the double lives that the sisters are living, which could tarnish their family’s noble reputation.
“Royal Rules of Ohio” stars Thelma Agyekum, Nana Agyekum, Brenda Agyekum, Akili Bobo Agyekum and Delali Agyekum.
The show was originally going to premiere as a Hulu Original on the streaming service, but instead, it has been shifted to premiere on Freeform although no official premiere date has been announced.
The series is produced by studio eOne and executive produced by Tara Long, Ben Megargel, Madison Merritt, Kim McKoy, Amy Callahan and Jayson Elmore.