Max has renewed its adult-animated series “Harley Quinn” voiced by Kaley Cuoco, for a fifth season.
In Season 4 of the series, “This biting and uproarious adult animated comedy follows Harley Quinn (voiced by executive producer Cuoco) as she strikes out on her own following her breakup with The Joker (Alan Tudyk). With help from Poison Ivy (Lake Bell) and a ragtag crew of DC castoffs, Harley attempts to work her way into the Legion of Doom, before an identity crisis sends her on a larger quest to find her true place in Gotham City. With appearances by DC’s most notorious characters and featuring a notable voice cast – including Christopher Meloni, Ron Funches, JB Smoove, Tony Hale, and others – HARLEY QUINN showcases the titular antiheroine’s killer journey from girlfriend to leading lady.
A new “Harley Quinn” animated spin-off series titled “Kite Man: Hell Yeah! debuting in 2024, in which Kite Man and Golden Glider take their relationship to the next level by opening a bar in the shadow of Lex Luthor’s Legion of Doom.