“The Masked Singer” premiered a new group of contestants when Group C came to perform. and a first-of-its-kind “Who Are You Fest,” featuring music from memorable festival lineups.
Performing in Group C was Macaron, Sherlock Hound, Strawberry Shortcake, Royal Knight, and Ice King. Royal Knight sang Lady Gaga’s “You and I,” Sherlock Hound sang “Under the Bridge” by The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ice King sang Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae, Strawberry Shortcake sang “Slow Burn” by Kacey Musgraves, and Macaron sang “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jensen.
At the end of the night, Macaron was eliminated and unmasked. For the panelists final guesses, Robin Thicke guessed Ariana Maddux, Ken Jeoung’s guess was Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Rita Ora’s guess was Bethany Hamilton and Jenny McCarthy Walhberg agreed with Rita and guessed Bethany Hamilton.
Macaron turned out to be professional surfer Bethany Hamilton.
“The Masked Singer” continues next week, on Wednesday, November 20 with Group C competing in Miley Cyrus night.
“The Masked Singer” airs Wednesdays on FOX.
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