To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the comedy series “Friends,” Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood is once again having the Friendsgiving event with a Studio Tour focused on the beloved television show. Beginning November 8, guests can enjoy a 90-minute Friends-themed Studio Tour, a holiday Friendsgiving meal next to the iconic Friends Fountain, and see authentic props and costumes from the show.
Highlights of the Friendsgiving include:
Friendsgiving Holiday Meal at the Iconic Fountain: Enjoy a festive meal at the famous fountain (from the opening credits!), with vegetarian and gluten-free options.
90-Minute Friends-Themed Studio Tour: Go behind the scenes and visit memorable filming locations, including Stage 24, where Friends was filmed.
Trivia & Custom Show Clips: Test your Friends knowledge and relive iconic moments with exclusive media clips featuring the characters.
30th Anniversary Costume Display: Take photos with authentic costumes from the show upon arrival.
Stage 48: Script to Screen Self-Guided Tour: Sip character-inspired drinks at Central Perk Café and shop exclusive Friends merchandise at the boutique.
Event Dates: November 8-10, 15-17, 21-24, and 29-30, 2024, with tours departing at 10:30 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM.
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