“The Gold,” a critically acclaimed crime drama inspired by the true story of one of the largest robberies in British history, will air on MASTERPIECE on PBS. A second season, which delves into the decades-long aftermath of the historic crime, will also air on MASTERPIECE
The series stars Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey, Paddington in Peru), Jack Lowden (Slow Horses), Dominic Cooper (The Devil’s Double), Charlotte Spencer (The Duke), Emun Elliott (Guilt), Tom Cullen (Becoming Elizabeth), Stefanie Martini (The Last Kingdom) and Amanda Drew (Ellis). Season One is directed by Academy Award-winning Aneil Karia (The Long Goodbye) and Lawrence Gough (The Last Bus), and season two by Patrick Harkins (Tin Star, Guilt).
The first season of The Gold tells the story of the 1983 Brink’s-Mat robbery. On the 26th November 1983, six armed men broke into the Brink’s-Mat security depot near London’s Heathrow Airport, and inadvertently stumbled across gold bullion worth £26m.