“The Masked Singer” held their semi-finals with contestants Goo, Strawberry Shortcake, Buffalo, and Wasp meeting for the first time as they are moving full stop for “The Masked Singer” trophy. The Emmy Award-nominated singing competition featured host Nick Cannon, alongside fan favorite panelists Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke and Rita Ora who do the guessing in front of an energetic studio audience.
The night’s songs included Jungkook’s “Standing Next to You,” “Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls, “Closer,” and Shania Twain’s “You’re Still the One.” At the end of the night, Goo turned out to be NFL player and LA Rams team member Kobie Turner.
Phyllis Thomas – Owner/Managing Editor
Phyllis Thomas is the owner/managing editor of TVMusic Network. She writes all things TV, Music and Movies for TVMusic Network. She also serves as co-host of the TVMusic Network Podcast with Phyllis and Belinda which is available wherever you get your podcasts.
Favorite TV Shows: Abbott Elementary, The Bear, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The West Wing, and so many more.
Follow Phyllis @Phyllis_Thomas on Twitter and by email at phyllis@tvandmusicnetwork.com
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