“The Masked Singer” aired its last episode before for the finals with The Buffalos, Strawberry Shortcake and Wasp vying to compete in next week’s finale.
The top three contestants duked it out for the last two spots in the blockbuster finale. They opened the show with a performance of “Some Nights.” Then the celebrities put on great renditions of “Lose You To Love Me” from Strawberry Shortcake, “Africa” from The Buffalos, and “Beautiful Things” from Wasp. Wasp moved on to next week’s finals while Strawberry Shortcake and The Buffalos had a Smack Royale to determine who Wasp would complete against.
At the end of the night, Strawberry Shortcake was unmasked. Strawberry Shortcake turned out to be actress and singer AJ Michalka of AJ and Aly.
Next week, it’s the finale of “The Masked Singer.” Season 5 winner Piglet (Nick Lachey) returns to the show to ring in the holiday season with a festive version of “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”
The Buffalos and Wasp vie for the Trophy and will perform “When I Was Your Man,” “Somebody That I Used To Know,” “I’m Your Baby Tonight,” and “Too Good At Goodbyes” on an all-new season finale of “The Masked Singer” airing Wednesday, December 18 at 8pm/7pm c on FOX.