TVMusic Network has the latest “Days of our Lives” News. The Emmy-winning show streams weekdays on Peacock. Set in the fictional Midwestern town of Salem, this long-running saga follows the lives, loves, triumphs and tragedies of the Horton, Brady, Kiriakis, Hernandez and DiMera families. Love stories, family troubles and suspenseful adventures embroil the denizens of Salem in every form of drama from flowering courtships, love triangles and unexpected wedding day reveals to custody battles, switched identities, murder investigations, lingering comas, mental illness, kidnappings, amnesia cases and more.
‘Days of our Lives’ Spoilers – Week of October 29
Roman Brady (Josh Taylor) and Hattie Adams (Deidre Hall) star on Days of our Lives airing weekdays on NBC Photo: NBC Here’s a look at READ MORE…