Showtime has a new show premiering tonight called “Reality Show.” The series is a “darkly comedic satire about the world of reality television.” From filmmaker Adam Rifkin, “Reality Show” focuses on an amoral reality show producer who puts an unsuspecting American family under all encompassing surveillance without their knowledge for his new genre of reality show, his “reality re-boot”.
The concept is to let real life unfold before the cameras. However, the family is boring and the network wants some sizzle. So the producer starts to introduce drama into the unwitting family’s lives. Temptation to cheat, drinking, work problems…. chaos ensues. Everything unravels in a big, big way with shocking consequences.
“Reality Show:” premieres Thursday, November 1st, 11:30 p.m. ET/PT, 10:30 p.m. CT
Check out a preview below: