This new chapter of the groundbreaking HBO series “Sex and the City” follows “Carrie” (Sarah Jessica Parker), “Miranda” (Cynthia Nixon) and “Charlotte” (Kristin Davis) as they navigate the journey from the complicated reality of life and friendship in their 30s to the even more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s. The ten-episode, half-hour series is scheduled to begin production in New York this summer.
Mario Cantone, David Eigenberg, Willie Garson And Evan Handler To Reprise Roles In Max Original AND JUST LIKE THAT… From Executive Producer Michael Patrick King. The men join the previously announced Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis, Sara Ramírez and Chris Noth.
Mario Cantone will reprise the role of “Anthony Marentino,” David Eigenberg will reprise the role of “Steve Brady,” Willie Garson will reprise the role of “Stanford Blatch” and Evan Handler will reprise the role of “Harry Goldenblatt” in the Max Original series AND JUST LIKE THAT…