CBS premieres their highly anticipated series “NCIS Hawaii” starring Vanessa Lachey. Lachey stars as Special Agent in Charge of NCIS Pearl Harbor Jane Tennant, who, with her unwavering team of specialists, balances duty, family and country, while investigating high-stakes crimes involving military personnel, national security and the mysteries of the sun-drenched island paradise itself.
In the premiere episode, an experimental Naval aircraft crashes on Oahu, and Tennant and her team must find who is behind it before classified state secrets are exposed, on the series premiere of NCIS: HAWAI`I, Monday, Sept. 20 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available to stream live and on-demand on Paramount+. Series also stars Alex Tarrant, Noah Mills, Yasmine Al-Bustami, Jason Antoon, Tori Anderson and Kian Talan. s01e01 s1e1 1×01
Check out some photos from the episode below.